Our Suppliers
- Biopak Ltd provides our compostable soup containers used for soup, sauces, casseroles and stews, as well as our bio boxes. All of their products can be domestically composted or recycled through waste paper channels! Their website can be found at https://www.biopak.com/uk
- As well as local allotments and home grown vegetables and fruits, We also use MJM Foods Limited, a wholesaler of fruit and vegetables, based in West Oxfordshire.
- We buy vegetables from Church Lane Produce in Spelsbury, where it is grown on site, along with their free range eggs.
- We use Moore & Lyon Produce to source our meat and eggs. They are based near Middle Barton Oxfordshire, OX7 7EQ. We also sometimes use Trev Beadle Butchers in Chipping Norton for sausages.
- Our milk comes from the North Cotswolds Dairy Co.
- Debbie works occasionally with Emma Moorby a registered Naturopath (ND), whose’s website can be found at https://naturalkitchenclinic.co.uk/
- Our logo was designed by Kallkwik, who’s website can be found at https://www.kallkwik.co.uk/
- This website was designed by Rupert Walker and is hosted with Kualo. More information can be found at https://temmuzdesign.ovh/ and https://www.kualo.com/ respectively!